Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Disjointed ramblings.

I’m so full of emotions. Nothing cohesive I am penning tonight. Just thoughts. Life is so full of “stuff” right now. Good stuff, great stuff, better stuff and a little not-so-good stuff. I am six months away from a dream I’ve wanted for a very long time. Being a college graduate. Yet, today I am not as excited as I think I should be. There are exams, exams, statistics, exam…and yeah, one more full semester. Then it all ends. But until then, I must go through the tough process, the daily in and outs of doing the work.  I’m so close to the end  but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to cry when I’m looking at regressions, and trying to manually calculate t- tests. Today was just one of those days. Wednesdays are SO hard for me. I’m in school the same amount of hours during the day, one would work a full time job. Then once I get home there’s really no rest, I have single mom duties. That looks entirely different than someone who can drop the ‘single’ off the mom title. After days and days of studying for my statistics exam, and passing it—up to bat is my counseling exam I have tomorrow and a Research methods exam on Monday. While I try and figure out how to study for those, I must try and figure how exactly I scheduled my son’s dentist appointment the exact same day as mine, and how exactly I will manage to make those both happen. If I hadn’t rescheduled both our appointments already a million times, I’d consider rescheduling. Rescheduling just isn’t an option. So in my  brain while I force counseling theories inside, along with 2x2 factorial designs and when to use them, I gotta find some room to crunch numbers to make sure I can go to my dentist appointment, while making sure my son doesn’t miss his orthodontist appointment. Sigh. I’m tired.  Oh, but then there is work. Yes, I must have a job too. Granted I feel I’m working solely for the wardrobe given the hours, or lack thereof I get..I’m employed.

As the love of my life would say, I’m Mrs. Grumpy Bear tonight. Fear not, I also have some happy feelings within I am trying to process. The details surrounding those are not something I want to discuss…YET….but the happiness consist of so many twists and turn, it’s amazing. On the daily, I think of this new aspect of life I am entering and I am thrilled. There has been this missing thing for a long time from my life and I had made peace to always not have it. God said otherwise. In one day, everything I thought was..changed. For the best.  For the BEST. The end of the year and next year will be filled with lots of exciting things.

 Dude, I read over this blog post and the student in me thinks I likes me some commas! So if you’re reading this and you’re an English major…you can suck it!!! (teasing) 
So, how about them apples?! 

Hair update

A quick update on my new hair decision to cut some off!! Enjoy!