Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Today was a hard day. Wednesdays from here on out will be days I'll want to cry. Until the semester ends, Wednesdays are filled with 6 hour days of school. No breaks in between. Straight classes. Statistics. Research Methods. Psychology. My life for the next year. I've been on this journey to complete school for a very long time. I'm near the finish line and it hurts. It hurts like the last few miles of a race. You know how you've trained for a race, and you line up to begin and think you've got it?? All is well until you reach those last few miles to the end. Then the mental games begin and you start questioning why you thought you could even do this. This is where I'm at. The race to my desired dream of a full college education is almost complete. Yet, almost isn't good enough. I must keep going. I must. On days like today when the weight of school, motherhood, work--or the lack thereof--and life, is just too much; I must continue. Thankfully,The Lord has given me a very supportive and loving boyfriend who gently and with the utmost care listens to me cry and softly picks me back up to continue. He's that voice you hear cheering your name in the crowd when you're near the finish line of your race. As your thoughts race through your head, as you breathe heavily with sweat pouring down. You hear some where in the crowd, " Mom, you can do it!!!" Of all the "Moms" running, you just know that's the voice for you. As you look to the side you see those sweet little feet running beside you to encourage you. My sweet Angel Love, he's those sweet little feet running beside me encouraging me along this journey. My love for him runs deep. After a day like today hearing his beautiful voice makes it all okay. I made it through today and if The Lord sees fit, tomorrow shall arrive. Thank you Lord for mercies anew.

                 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
                        his mercies never come to an end;
23                            They are new every morning;
                            great is your faithfulness.
24                      "The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
                          “therefore I will hope in him.”

Lamentations 3: 22-24

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